Diet Study

Diet Study

I am very grateful to all of you that chose to participate in our study to assess the effects of diet and alcohol on digestive sensations after meals. The results will be circulated once analysis is complete. Our target is the Christmas edition of the BMJ. A worthy follow up to the seminal work from Zürich concerning “what to drink with a Swiss Cheese Fondue” (Heinrich et al. 2010. BMJ 341: c6731)! Nevertheless we had fun performing and writing up the article “What to eat and drink for Christmas dinner- a pan-European, observational, cross-sectional study” and we hope you enjoy reading it!

The mobile application used in the study worked very well. The interface was easy to use and all data was successfully inputted into a research database for analysis. Should you have feedback concerning the SymTrack application please provide it here. Should you be interested in using this technology in your work then please contact Gastric Imaging & Analysis GmbH (Zurich).

Gastric Imaging & Analysis (Symtrack)